Ofqual Directive: Timely Results Issuing and Data Collection
Ofqual has put in place arrangements to ensure the safe and timely delivery of Level 3 Vocational and Technical Qualification (VTQ) results, used for progression to Further or Higher Education.
Qualifications in Scope
The ATHE qualifications that are in scope of these arrangements are Level 3 Diplomas used for progression, with a minimum of 180 Guided Learning Hours and a minimum of 16 UCAS points:
Core Qualifications
- 601/6170/X ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Business
- 601/8701/3 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management
- 610/1761/9 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Business (2023)
- 610/1763/2 ATHE Level 3 90-credit Diploma in Business (2023)
- 610/1764/4 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management (2023)
- 610/1765/6 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business and Management (2023)
- 603/6558/4 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Accounting
- 601/6161/9 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Law
- 603/6568/7 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care
- 603/6569/9 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Information and Digital Technologies
- 603/6571/7 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Small Business and Social Enterprise Start-up
- 603/7244/8 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in English and Communications for Business
- 603/6559/6 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Applied Statistics
Bespoke Qualifications
- 610/1775/9 ATHE Level 3 Certificate in the Foundations of Teaching
- 610/1539/8 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Employability and Soft Skills
- 610/3252/9 ATHE Level 3 International Foundation Diploma in Applied Science
- 610/3256/6 ATHE Level 3 International Foundation Diploma in Business
- 603/2223/8 ATHE Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Jewish Studies
- 603/2224/X ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Jewish Studies
- 603/2225/1 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Jewish Studies
- 601/6934/5 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Jewish Biblical Studies and Practice
- 601/8772/4 ATHE Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Torah Studies
- 601/1385/6 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Torah Studies
- 601/1279/7 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Torah Studies
- 601/8385/8 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Torah Study
- 601/8772/4 ATHE Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Talmud Studies
- 601/8774/8 ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Talmud Studies
- 601/8776/1 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Talmud Studies
- 610/1533/7 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Islamic Studies
- 610/1534/9 ATHE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Quranic Arabic and Islamic Studies
What this means in practice
- ATHE is required to publish a date or timeline for the release of results for the Level 3 qualifications in scope to be no later than the Monday of A Level results week. ATHE have agreed that our date in this respect will be 31st July.
- We will work with centres to identify and confirm which learners expect a result to enable their progression to Further or Higher Education. We will do this by contacting centres with the details of those learners who could expect to receive a result on results day and how centres can confirm these to us.
- We will then check these details with centres at our first checkpoint at the end of February, and again in mid-May as our second checkpoint, to confirm that these details are still the same. ATHE are required to submit this data to Ofqual.
- As is the current process, where results that learners are relying upon for progression to Further or Higher Education are required, centres should submit these results to ATHE for external moderation no later than the 31st May. This will ensure sufficient time to complete the external moderation ahead of application deadlines.
- Moving forwards, we will expect centres to notify us at the point of learner registration whether their results will be required for progression to Further or Higher Education. These details will be checked each year at the end of February to confirm that these are still correct.
- This process will also be introduced for learners who require their results for progression to Further or Higher Education at other intake points throughout the year, with the above minimum timescale for moderation being applicable (eight weeks).
As part of this process ATHE is required to collect and keep up to date the details of a Senior Designated Contact (SDC) from each centre who has the authority to access information and progress decisions swiftly, with whom we will communicate and liaise with regarding the above processes. We will therefore be requesting this information when we contact centres regarding their learner details.
Please note that failure to respond to ATHE’s information requests or missing our deadlines for submitting information constitutes maladministration, so it is imperative that the above processes are adhered to in order to ensure the timely and safe certification of learners.
Centres should contact support@athe.co.uk with any queries regarding the above requirements.